If you’re new to online backups and Cloud storage, or are struggling with a particular problem, have a browse through our backup guides. We’ve broken down confusing jargon and annoying issues and come up with simple explanations and step-by-step guides to making online backup work for you.

Ultimate backup guide - post image

Ultimate Backup Guide

If you're new to the world of online backups and storage, our Ultimate Backup Guide will provide you with everything you need to know to get started!

Backup Glossary

Fed up of technical jargon, or looking for a definition you can trust? Find over 60 plain-English explanations of backup and networking-related terms.

NAS Guide

Everything you need to know about Network Attached Storage (NAS). From buying a device to building one, learn how to get the most from your data storage.

Mobile Backup

Whether you’re an enthusiast of Apple, Android, or Windows, this guide will help you find out how to make the most of your phone manufacturer’s storage settings.

Introducing Amazon S3, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Storage and more - the Storage as a Service providers dominating the market in low-cost, pay-for-what-you-use data storage. 

A rundown of the best tools for ensuring that files stored on your USB drive stay safe, with step-by-step instructions to help you get started. 

Experienced photographers shared their favorite photo backup techniques, and we wrote them up into this handy guide to help photo enthusiasts protect their pics. 

Real Life Photo Disasters

Not backing up your files can spell bad news for everybody, including the photographers that contributed to this article. Read their tales of woe here! 

Android Backup

Want to backup your Android phone? Find out how to store your photos, settings, and even your root in this comprehensive guide.

How secure is dropbox? Not very - but you can beef it up by following this step-by-step guide to encrypting dropbox files.

Don't get locked out of your own files. Follow our foolproof guide to protecting your files from the threat of ransomware on Windows. 

Data Archiving

Looking to store your data for the long haul? Read this guide to find out what is the best backup option for your archiving needs.

Backup Plans

Having a great backup plan is an essential part of keeping your documents safe. Check out this guide for some helpful tips on how to be perfectly prepared.

Small Business Backup

This guide is all about making sure you have the right systems in place for small business backup, to avoid the risk of losing essential data when you have multiple staff.

Back up Outlook

If you’re using Outlook to manage your emails then we recommend reading this guide to find out how you can backup all your data, should your computer crash.

Backup Statistics

Are you backing up your data on a daily basis? Read these scary statistics and if you haven't yet make sure you start daily backups right now!

Backup Costs

Wondering how much it's going to cost you to back up your data online? In this study we compare the cost of online backups with local storage.

Zero Knowledge Backups

A guide to the ultimate secure way to back up your data - Zero Knowledge Backups. If you want total assurance that your files will be kept private, look no further.

Backup Encryption

This explanatory article runs through everything you need to know about backup encryption, so you can choose the right service based on your privacy and security priorities.

Online Backup for Music

Are you a music fan? This guide discusses online backup for music including legalties, practicalities and alternatives, and will help you find the best solution for your needs.

Local Backups

For maximum data protection, best practice dictates that you should keep an online backup AND a local backup. This guide explains how to manage your local backups.

Your First Online Backup

All ready to go with your first online backup? This guide is all about getting prepared to make sure you make the most of your new backup system.